Our bouquet are unique, different colors available, and one off designs; these are excellent for adding to gifts on thier own or with selected products.
Artisan made, made from harakeke (flax) and dyed roses/lily's or rose buds are the centre of the piece's that are then arranged to suit the occasion.
Ask for larger or wedding pieces on request. Allow for cutom making time which shall be discussed.
Pre-made selection is always in store, 4weeks notice for larger custom orders to avoid dissapointment.
Putiputi bouquet regular
Handmade from harakeke, adorned with a select assorted crafty ideas, no two are the exact same die to the nature of being artisan. Colors and sizes can be made to order if not in stock. Allow 2 weeks for this to save from disappointment.
Some colors are unavailable, only available in N.Z. Ngā mihi nui.