About our Rongoa Maaori Services
We will act with Tika and Pono to provide you the best service.
Our clients from all races and cultures through Manaakitanga and whanaunatanga, if you would like this type of service we recommend you join us here at Silver Fernes in Rotorua, kia pai tou ra.
ACC kiritaki Info
Here at Silver Fernes there are multiple ways to treat your injury, each person has individual needs. Be sure to connect with us so we can provide you the best service. Nau mai haere mai, Vendor VBE037 using MTH10 Code, as we are categorized under Social Rehabilitation through ACC we are holistic healers with a wide scope. If you require further assistance, ensure you have a claim number and a referal from your health provider, you can also request our services on your MyACC log in on the ACC Website please contact us for information if needed ngaa mihi.
Bookings by prior arrangement
nga mihi.

Ko Mataatua raua Ko Te Arawa nga Waka
Ko Whakatohea raua Ko Te Arawa nga Iwi
Ko Ngai Tamahaua raua Ko Ngati Rangitihi nga Hapu
'He Kakano Ahau'
Ko Ferne Nohotihi Ahau
No Rotorua ahau.
Based in Rotorua N.Z